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Message to our Northern Neighbors and Brothers.
Dear Brothers,
I am writing this letter as a Greek Citizen. I am writing this message as a Citizen of mother earth. I am writing this letter as your neighbor who knows that we have more things to connect us. Unfortunately we let the few things that divide us to rule.
This message is only for those who fight for their beliefs. Not for those who serve the global Tyranny. We have plenty of those here in Greece, you have also plenty of those. These are the people capable to do anything for a cheap price. These are our common enemies who unfortunately reign and destroy our relation.
You are the only neighbors we can strongly consider as true friends. Believe me I know you feel the same about us. If we eliminate the tyrants who create hostility among us, then we will both survive in prosperity. If we allow them to continue poison our souls, then we will both fail.
For us it is an honor that you fight for the name of Macedonia. This name lies also in our souls.
If you want this name due to the magnificence of Alexander the great, the philosophy of his cause, his endless fight for mother Earth, you are more than welcome to use it.
If you believe in Aristotleâs education, then we share the same cause.
On the other hand, if you think that Macedonia could be a name that will bring money or force, then it is better not to read any further.
Here in Greece, we also have people who are not aware who they really are. They hide behind the ancient greatness in order to hide their miserable present existence.
Believe me, we do NOT need them.
Let us join our fight, exchange opinions and thoughts, let us discuss as family. I am sure that knowledge is the key for both. I am sure if we low down the flags and see the faces, solution will come immediately.
And the solution is one: Alexander fought to unite the ancestors who lived where we live now. Alexander fought for a great cause. Not for violence, not for blood but to spread a great civilization. Civilization for Democracy and Human rights. Civilization to eliminate the darkness that embraced human kind at that time.Â
I think it is time for us to follow his example. It is so simple. Imagine if we just cancel the borders that divide us. Mental and geographical borders. We have the unique chance to do it. It is our generation, our cause, our future. And there is no other way.
Letâs start today. Letâs demand together what is rightfully ours. One future, One cause, ONE COUNTRY. The Olympian way.
We are sure we can live together, arenât you?