Ένα βήμα πιο κοντα στην κόλαση απο επίθεση σε λεωφορείο που μετέφερε Ισραηλινούς στο αεροδρόμιο του Μπουργκας. 7 νεκροί μέχρι στιγμής και δεκάδες τραυματίες.
Για ιρανική ισλαμική οργάνωση Έκανε λόγο ο Νετανιαχου προειδοποιώντας για αντίποινα.
Άλλοι μιλούν για καμικάζι άλλοι λένε για βόμβα στον χώρο αποσκευών. Η Βουλγαρία ήδη έχει σοβαρο πρόβλημα με τους ισλαμιστές στην τουρκική μειονότητα που ειναι αδύνατον να ελεγχθούν. Από το Russia today οι φωτο που ακολουθούν:
The Israeli Prime Minister claims Iran is behind the Bulgarian aiport bus bombing which, according to Haaretz daily, killed at least seven Israeli citizens and injured 30.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters that “Iran is responsible for the terror attack in Bulgaria, we will have a strong response against Iranian terror.”
An eyewitness said that one of the buses carrying the Israelis across terminals in the airport blew up. Two other buses subsequently caught on fire. Ten fire trucks are fighting the blaze.
According to media reports, at least 30 people have been hospitalized, some of them in critical condition. The country’s president, vice president and minister of interior affairs have arrived at the site.
Burgas Mayor Dimitar Nikolov told local media the explosives were placed in the trunk of the bus.
Earlier, some people who witnessed the explosion claimed it happened immediately after someone climbed on board. The mother of one of the tourists who was on the bus said her daughter called her in a panic.
“She sustained cuts and was bleeding, they removed her through the window of the bus. She was hysterical, and is there without a cell phone, so she could not say much.”
Israel’s Haaretz daily says rescue services from the country are en route to Bulgaria.
The airport in Burgas has been closed, and all flights are being redirected to Varna.
Israeli officials had previously said that Bulgaria, a popular holiday destination for Israeli tourists, was vulnerable to attack by Islamist militants who could infiltrate via nearby Turkey. Local media reported in January that extra police and army troops had been assigned to provide higher levels of security at the Sunny Beach resort, which is very popular with Israelis.
However, several internet sites in Bulgaria reported that government authorities ignored warnings and alerts by Israeli and Russian sources over a possible attack
Exactly 18 years ago to the day, far-right political organization Hezbollah targeted the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires. As a result, 86 people died in the blast on July 18th 1994.
Image from twitter/@einfal
AFP Photo / BGNES / Biurgas Info
destroyed buses after a bomb explosion at Bourgas airport on July 18, 2012 (AFP PHOTO / Bulfoto)
Police officers stand outside Bulgaria’s Burgas airport July 18, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer) Πρωτοσελιδα – Ειδήσεις