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AHEPA THANKS CANA EFFORTS : AHEPA Raises Issue of Improper Use of Star of Vergina to Congress
For Immediate Release: December 12, 2008
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935,
Ioannis Fidanakis, New Jersey, Tel. 1-973-464-0211
NEW YORK–The AHEPA, a leading Greek-American organization , and its President Ike Gulas, today thanks Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) for the grass-roots effort to VISA to cancel the offensive “Macedonian” VISA card, according to the AHEPA News Release ” The supreme president also acknowledged and thanked the efforts of the Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA).  CANA raised awareness of the issue within its network. “
 “It’s a good example of what can transpire when we combine our resources and work together as a community,” said Gulas.
 The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank AHEPA and its Supreme President Ike Gulas, who met several CANA and Hellenic Leaague of America activists in New York this past year, as well as Andrew Kaffes for coordinating our community activism.
N E W S   R E L E A S E
Contact:               Andrew Kaffes
Phone:                  202.441.5099
E-mail:                   [email protected]
AHEPA Raises Issue of Improper Use of Star of Vergina to Congress
Maloney, Bilirakis Applauded for Their Letter to Visa CEO
Washington (December 12, 2008)—The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), a leading association for the nation’s three million American citizens of Greek ancestry, and countless Philhellenes, applauds Hellenic Caucus Co-Chairs Carolyn Maloney (D-14-NY) and Gus M. Bilirakis (R-9-FL) for sending a letter to Mr. Joseph Saunders, CEO and chairman, Visa, Inc., today.  The letter expressed a strong concern about a Visa credit card portraying the Star of Vergina.
“We felt this was a serious issue to bring to the attention of Congress,” said Supreme President Ike Gulas.  “It is another example of how Greece ’s cultural and historical identity is threatened by ‘Macedonian’ Diaspora groups who aspire to steal it and make it their own.  I commend Representatives Maloney and Bilirakis for understanding the severity of the issue and for taking action.”
           The letter states:
“We have long been concerned about efforts by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and its diaspora to adopt symbols and images significant to Greece as part of a propaganda campaign. We believe that the “United Macedonian Diaspora’s” efforts regarding this credit card may be yet another example.”
Furthermore, the Hellenic Caucus Co-Chairs encouraged Mr. Saunders to reconsider issuing a credit card with the Star of Vergina on it, and recommended he work with the Greek-American community to prevent a similar occurrence from happening in the future.
           The supreme president also acknowledged and thanked the efforts of the Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA).  CANA raised awareness of the issue within its network.
           “It’s a good example of what can transpire when we combine our resources and work together as a community,” said Gulas.
AHEPA was established in 1922, by visionary Greek-Americans to protect all from prejudice from the KKK, and in its history, AHEPA has joined with the NAACP and B’nai B’rith International to fight discrimination.
For more information about AHEPA, or how to join, please contact AHEPA Headquarters, 202.232.6300, or visit www.ahepa.org.


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