Καλη σας μερα.
Μεσω Ολυμπιας εμαθα το e-mail του φιλελληνα Nigel Farage. Επικοινωνησα μαζι του
προχθες και σημερα Κυριακη ειχα απαντηση. Την παραθετω εδω. Ενδεχομενως κι αλλοι φιλοι
να θελουν να επικοινωνησουν μαζι του. Αγωνιζεται το παληκαρι, αν και δεν τον στηριζουν παρα λιγοι.
Καλο θα ηταν να εχει και την στηριξη των Ελληνων. Ισως καποιοι ευαισθητοποιειθουν περισσοτερο.
Εχωμε τοσους πλουσιους ευπατριδες που αν αποφασισουν να τον στηριξουν, πιστευω οτι ο αγωνας
θα ενισχυθει με καλα αποτελεσματα. Διοτι ναι μεν, εμας καιγεται το σπιτι μας, αλλα κακα τα ψεματα,
πρεπει να εχωμε και δυνατη φωνη στην Ευρωπη.
Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Many thanks for your support and encouragement, and good luck with the struggle for democracy where it matters most – in your own neighbourhood!
A remarkable emergence is now taking place, into public view, of the totalitarian intentions of the EU-élite. Until such a peril becomes as apparent as
it has now become, there is no stimulus – in countries educated to ignore electoral and constitutional responsibilities – to take an interest in politics;
but that stimulus is now painfully present.
All EU-governments have surrendered fiscal competences to the unelected EU-Commission; governments in Greece and Italy have been openly dismissed
and replaced with EU-appointees; a Franco-German nexus has seized control of the euro-zone, and the EU’s will-to-power is growing ever more rapidly.
It is no longer possible to ignore the dictatorship, which is taking shape, and the necessity of opposing it.
What we need is organisation in every EU-captive nation, and, indeed, in every country around the world, against the power of the Brussels-clique and its
supra-nationalist backers elsewhere. Unfortunately, I barely have the resources to arrange such organisation in the UK. Nevertheless, the movement is
awakening everywhere, and I hope you will find a way of assisting its advance, where you are.
Yours sincerely
Nigel Farage
www.ukip.org www.ukipmeps.org