According to El Mundo, Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy sent a stunning text message to FinMin Guindos prior to the bailout negotiations.
He said, according to El Muno editor Pablo Rodriguez: "Resist, we are the 4th power of the EZ. Spain is not Uganda."
Translation: We’re a major power, not some random IMF-case banana Republic.
The followup message (according to Google translate) "if you want to force the redemption of Spain will prepare 500,000 billion euros and another 700,000 for Italy, which will have to be rescued after us."
Bottom line: hold out for something good. We are powerful, and if they don’t give in, the whole thing will go down. It will cost Europe 500 billion if Spain goes bust, and then another 700 billion if Italy goes bust.
ΔΗΛΑΔΗ, ΑΠΛΑ ΟΙ ΙΣΠΑΝΟΙ ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΟΣΦΥΟΚΑΜΠΤΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΝΑΙ ΣΕ ΟΛΑ. ( αλλο θεμα οτ οτι θα την φανε στο τελος απο την Τροικα !! )
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